Owner/Designer Introduction
Posted by Robin Carr on

Hey y'all! I'm Robin Carr, owner, co-creator, designer, (and everything in between) of Gospel In A Jar (along side the Lord above.) A wifey to a very sweet, supportive, and hunk of a husband. I am on a lifetime journey of spreading the love and grace God gives us to everyone I meet. My mission is to help you do that also... and to make it easier with our "conversation pieces". Let me tell you my story.• • I was raised in church and my parents made sure we were there every time the doors were open. Literally. I asked...
The Story Behind "Gospel In A Jar"
Posted by Robin Carr on

My name is Robin Carr. I own a small business called RC Designs, and work with my sweet friend, Leah, who owns Patchwork here in Bruce, MS. I recently had a change of heart. If anyone turns on the news or opens social media knows our world has seen better days. I've racked my brain thinking what I could do to maybe make a small positive change in the world. I prayed and prayed...and prayed some more asking God what I could do with the talents and skills He has given me...OR more importantly what HE wanted me to do....